Welcome to Bidwell Lore number 154! This week we continue to discuss Agrippa’s land purchases in Stockbridge.
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The Deed History of Agrippa’s Land
Rick Wilcox, 2022
As we mentioned in the last installment of Bidwell Lore, this week we will begin to share the deed chain from John Konkapot and his wife Jane Konkapot, to Amos Hager, to Agrippa Hull, to Theodore Sedgwick. Also included below, we are sharing a deed from Jehoiakim Mtohksin to Amos Hager (the son of Johannis Mtohksin) along with Johannis Mtohkin’s will.
First, you can read the deed showing the sale of land from John Konkapot to Amos Hager. Amos Hager was the man Agrippa eventually purchased land from. The below deed is from 1785.
Konkapot, John & Jane his wife to Hager, Amos, Book 28, Page 439 (1785)
{John Konkapot [1] to Amos Hager [2]} KNOW ALL MEN by these Presents that we John Konkapot and his wife Jane of Stockbridge in the County of Berkshire and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Indians – For and in consideration of the Sum of [space for money was left blank] Lawful Money to us in hand well and truly paid by Amos Hager of the Town County and County and Commonwealth aforesaid yeoman the Receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge have granted bargained sold, conveyed and confirmed and by these Presents, do grant, bargain sell convey and Confirm unto the said Amos his Heirs and Assigns forever One certain Tract or Parcel of Land lying in the said Town of Stockbridge and is part of the farm on which Johannis Mtohksin late of Stockbridge deceased lived and is that part of said Farm which the said Johannis gave the said Jane by his last Will and Testament, and is Bounded as follows (viz.) Beginning on the South line of the aforesaid Farm about Five rods East of Mrs. Thayer’s Northwest Corner then to extend westerly in the line of the aforesaid Farm Sixteen Rods then to Extend Northwardly the same width twenty rods & contain two Acres –
TO HAVE & TO HOLD the said Granted Land and Premises with the Appurtenances unto the said Amos his Heirs and Assigns to his and their only proper use benefit and Behoof forever and we the said John and Jane for our selves Heirs Executors and Administrators do hereby Covenant with the said Amos his heirs and Assigns that we are Lawfully Seized of the Premises that they are free of all Incumbrances That we have good Right to sell and Convey the same to the said Amos TO HOLD as aforesaid and that we our heirs Executors and Administrators shall and will warrant and Defend the said Granted Premises to the said Amos his Heirs and Assigns forever against the Lawful Claims and Demands of all Persons In Witness whereof we have set our hands & seals this fifteenth Day of Apr AD 1785. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of Jah Woodbridge, Jonathan Woodbridge. John Konkapot and Seal, Jane Konkapot and Seal.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Berkshire SS Apl. 15th 1785 We the subscribers in pursuance of the Trust and Power Reposed in us by an act of the Commonwealth Intitled an act for Empowering certain Persons to Examine the sales that have been made by the Moheahonnuck Tribe of Indians and for Regulating the future Sales and Leases of all Lands from the said Tribe of Indians.” Do approve of the sale of the Land described in the within or foregoing Deed as witness our Hands Lucretia Honhephum, Catharine Muhmuhtupeet, John Sergeant, Jah Woodbridge
Berkshire SS April 15th 1785 Personally appeared John Konkapot and Jane Konkapot Signers & Sealers to the within Instrument and acknowledged the same to be his free act and Deed. Before Jah Woodbridge Justice Peace
December 10th 1789 Received and Recorded from the Original by Moses Hopkins, Regr.
Next, we have a deed from Jehoiakim Mtohksin to Amos Hager from 1786. As we said above, Jehoiakim was the son of Johannis Mtohksin. By 1786, tribal members had been leaving Stockbridge to settle in New Stockbridge, New York, 160 miles west. The deed information suggests that Jehoiakim was still living in Stockbridge at the time of the sale of the land deeded below.
Mtohksin, Jehoiakim to Hager, Amos, Book 23, Page 22 (1786)
{Jehoiakim Mtohksin [3] to Amos Hager} KNOW ALL MEN by these Presents that I Jehoiakim Mtohksin of Stockbridge in the County of Berkshire and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Gentleman in consideration of the just sum of Eight Pounds Lawful Money to me in hand paid Before the Delivery hereof by Amos Hager [4] of the Town County and Commonwealth aforesaid Yeoman the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have given granted Bargained and sold & do by these Presents give grant Bargain sell aliene and fully Freely & Absolutely convey and confirm unto him the said Amos Hager his heirs and Assigns forever one Certain Tract or Parcel of Land lying in Stockbridge aforesaid Beginning two rods south West of the Northeast Corner of a six acre Lot I the said Jehoiakim Mtohksin hold by deed from Jehoiakim Naunuumppettunck thence running westwardly Parallel with the North Line of said lot fifteen Rods thence running North two Rods to the above said North Line thence running westwardly on the above said North Line to the Northeast Corner of a Lot owned by Mrs. Judith Thayer thence running southwardly on said Mrs. Thayer’s East line so far as an Eastwardly Course as point to highway will contain two acres said Land is to be Bounded East on the Highway and West on said Mrs. Thayer’s Land & South on the remaining part of the Above said six acre Lot and is in the northeast corner of a forty acre Lot formerly Laid out to Jacob Naunaumppeetunck Deceased– TO HAVE & TO HOLD the said granted and Bargained Premises together with all the Appurtenances free of all incumbrances whatsoever to him the said Amos Hager his heirs and assigns as an Absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee Simple forever and that I the said Jehoiakim Mtohksin Myself my heirs Executors and Administrators do covenant and Engage the above demised Premises to him the said Amos his heirs and assigns against the Lawful Claims and Demands of any person or Persons whatsoever forever after to warrant secure & Defend by these Presents in witness whereof I the said Jehoiakim Mtohksin have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventh day of February in the year of our Lord 1786. Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of Jah. Woodbridge, Lucy Woodbridge. Jehoiakim Mtohksin & Seal
Berkshire SS February 7th 1786 Personally Appeared Jehoiakim Mtohksin signer & sealer to the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged the same to be his free act and Deed before me Jah. Woodbridge J Peace
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Berkshire SS Feb 7th 1786 we the subscribers in Pursuance of the Trust and Power Reposed in us by an act of this Commonwealth intitled an act for impowering certain Persons to Examine the sales that have been made by the Moheakunnuk Tribe of Indians and for regulating the future sales and leases of all lands from the said Tribe of Indians Do approve of the sale of the Land described in the within or foregoing Deed as witness out hands. John Sergeant, Jah Woodbridge {Stephen Woodbridge, Lucy Woodbridge
Feby. 7th 1786 Recd. and Recorded from the original by Moses Hopkins, Reg.
The last item we will share this week is the Will of Jonannis Mtohksin so that you can see how Jehoiakim acquired the land in the previous Deed.
Berkshire Probate Court Docket 983: Jonannis Mtohksin Will Oct 5, 1779 Recorded Johannis Motocksin. By Timothy Edwards
Warrant of Appointment: State of Massachusetts Bay} Berkshire SS: To Messrs. John Sergeant, Ira Seymour and Jehoiakim Naunaumpetonk, in the County aforesaid, Greeting. YOU are hereby appointed and impowered to take an Inventory of. and (according to your best Skill and Judgment) truly and justly to apprize (in Lawful Money of this State) all the Estate whereof Johannis Mtohksin late of Stockbridge died seized, in the aforesaid County; and you are to make Return of this Warrant, with your Doings thereon, unto the Probate Office, in the same County, as soon as conveniently may be. Given under my Hand this fifth Day of October Anno Domini 1779. Tim Edwards, Just Peace.
Berkshire SS At a Court of Probate Holden at Stockbridge within the County of Berkshire on the first Tuesday of October Anno Domini 1779 Before Timothy Edwards Esqr. Judge of Said Court. This Will presented by Messrs. Jahleel Woodbridge and Josiah Jones the Executors therein named And Messrs. John Sergeant, Ira Seymour and Jehoiakim Nantoonukaumun Personally appear and Make Solemn Oath that they Saw Johannis Mtohksin Sign and Seal and this Will that they heard him Publish Pronounce & deliver the Same to be his Last Will & Testament that he then appeared to them to be of a sound mind and memory, and that at the Same Time Submitted their Names as Witnesses in Presence of Each other and in the Presence of the Said Johannis the testator therefor this will is approved Ratified & Confirmed to be the Last Will and Testament of the said Johannis the testator.
In the name of God amen. I Johannis Motohksin of Stockbridge in the County of Berkshire State of Massachusetts Bay being of sound mind and memry memory do make this my last will and testament (viz) In the first place I give to my son Jehoiakim the piece of land lying on the east end of my house lot beginning at the bar by the highway east of my dwelling house from thence running towards said house to a butternut tree about one rod from the fence running east and west by my wheat field, from said tree to run northwardly, to the south line of said house lot to a quat chestnut tree near a spot of ground on which stood the house in which my wife’s mother was beset thence running on said north line eastward to said highway from thence southward with said highway to said bars – Likewise I give the remaining part of said house lot to my wife Hannah my sons [line illegible, cut off by a poorly done scan of the document] a like the house and orchard ^ and that thereafter given to my daughter Jenney excepted, which I give to my Wife and son Johannis that is to say that they take the remaining half of said house lot, which ^ lies next to that above given to my son Jehoiakim including the house and oxen and the division to be made as well according to the quality and quantity except as above concepted – I give to my daughter Jenney out my house lot two acres lying in my paster lot so-called west of my said house also four apple bend trees heretofore called Jenney’s apple trees – I give all my horses Cattle hogs and house hold furniture and my lands in the hands of Asa Douglass Esgr. To my said wife – My will is further that all my lands under the north end of Monument Mountain which is one hundred acres or more a part of which is rent gaged to Mrs. Judith Thayer by sold to her or any other purpose to pay my just debts together with my share in the undivided lands belonging to the proprietors of Stockbridge. And if any money should be left after paying such debts I give it to my said wife – All my farming utensils I give to my three sons Jonathan Aaron and Johannis – Lastly I appoint my friend Jahleel Woodbridge, Esqr. and Capt. Josiah Jones Executors of this my last will and testament – Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared to be my last will and testament this eighth Day of May Anno Dom: 1779 In presence of Ira Seymour, Johoiakim Nautowwehkunmon. John Sergeant. Johannis Mtohksin & Seal.
Next week, will share the rest of the Deeds for Agrippa Hull’s land in Stockbridge.
1. A grandson of “Chief” John Konkapot and son of Robert Nungkauwot.
2. Mohawk Pond was also called Hager Pond.
3. Jehoiakim Mtohksin was the son of Jahonnes Mtohksin.
4. Mohawk Lake is still called Hager Pond by some old residents. Judith Thayer owned Cherry Cottage at Cherry Street and Cherry Hill intersection, as well as other plots.