Welcome to Bidwell Lore number 126! This week we near the end of our story of Isaac Ball and the dispossession of Mohican land around Stockbridge, written by Rick Wilcox.
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Dispossession of Stockbridge Mohican Land by the Ball Family 1772-1781, Part XII
Isaac Ball (1744-1784)
Rick Wilcox 2022
At the end of last week’s article, we mentioned that this week we would share information about the dispersal of some of Isaac Ball’s estate. What follows are the transcriptions of a few documents created by the probate court of debts paid about by the estate along with the bill from Job Hart, who, you may remember, married Isaac’s widow Rachel after he died.
At a Court of Probate holden at
Stockbridge within the County of Berkshire on the Third Day of May AD 1786. Before the Honourable Timothy Edwards Esqr. Judge of said Court
This order Decreed by the said Judge that an Allowance of Beddings Utensils Implements of house hold & Stockbridge to the amount of Twenty pounds be made to Hart late wife of Isaac Ball late of Stockbridge Deceased out of the Estate of the s’d Isaac as Estimated in the Inventory thereof in Such particular Articles of Bedding Utensils & Implements of house hold of Stockbridge She shall choose to Take.
Tim Edwards
Decreed of Bedding
To Isaac Ball Widow
May 3 AD 1786
Account of Debt to this Estate of Isaac Ball late of Stockbridge dec’d
(Viz) one Note of hand given (against [illegible] october 5 AD 1767 one found Sixteen shillings
1-16 L 1-16-0
1 Note with interest against} 2-0-0
David Ives 31st Day of July 1781
A Note of fifteen Pounds}
Against Elphalat Whittlesey }
To be paid in three years from}
Date with interest -} 15-0-0
2 Notes against Hans Winegar} 12-0-0
To be paid in boards
Job Hart, Junr.
Rachel Hart
At a Court of Probate holden at Stockbridge within and for the County of Berkshire on the 4th Day of Jan’y AD 1785
The above account is reviewed & examined & allowed
By Tim Edwards J. Probate [1]
Isaac Ball
Debts Due to
Jan’y 4th 1785
On a Count of Debts Due from the Estate of Isaac Ball Late of Stockbridge Dec’d

Job Hart Junr. Admin
At a Court of Probate held at Stockbridge within the County of Berkshire on the 4th Day of April AD 1786 The above Acct received examined & allowed
By Timothy Edwards J Probate
Isaac Ball Debt due from
Apr 4th 1786
The Account of Job Hart Junr. as Administrator on the Estate of Isaac Ball Dec’d agt. S’d Estate

The above account of the Cost of Setting the Estate of Isaac Ball Late of Stockbridge Dec’d
Job Hart junr. Waltham
At a Probate Court holden at Stockbridge & in the County of Berkshire on the Second Day of May AD 1786 Before the Honourable Timothy Edwards Esqr. Judge of s’d Court Personally appeared Job Hart Junr. Admin’er on the Estate of Isaac Ball Deceased & made Solemn Oath that the will Acct is Just & true according to the best of his Understanding Before
Timothy Edwards
We will be back in 2 weeks with our final installment in the Isaac Ball story. Happy New Year everyone. See you in 2023!
1. He was the son of Rev. Jonathan Edwards, and held a number of political positions including judge of probate. He was alleged to have the biggest store in Berkshire County and was a major supplier for West Point during the Revolutionary War. He was appointed an Indian Agent for the Northern District during the war.