Welcome to Bidwell Lore number 125! This week we continue with our story of Isaac Ball and the dispossession of Mohican land around Stockbridge, written by Rick Wilcox.
Dispossession of Stockbridge Mohican Land by the Ball Family 1772-1781, Part XI
Isaac Ball (1744-1784)
Rick Wilcox 2022
As we mentioned last week, one other source of information about Isaac Ball was the probate documents, including a full inventory, made after he died. We will share transcriptions of a few of those documents in this and the next installment of Isaac Ball’s story.
A full probate inventory was created in 1785 by the three men appointed by the court, Stephen Nash, Nehemiah Ide, and Elihu Mighels, and you can see Ball’s list of possessions, with their values, below.
An Inventory of the Estate Lieut. Isaac Ball Dec’d
Made by Stephen Nash Lieut. Nehemiah Ide Elihu Mighels

Job Hart
Rubhill Hart] Admin
Agreeable to the hereunto examined we the said subscribers have appraised all the Estate whereof Isaac Ball Late of Stockbridge deceased deed seized and possessed, which hath been shown to us by the administrators hereof
Stockbridge Jany 4.1785
Stephen Nash
Nehemiah Ide
Elihu Mighels} appraisers
At the Same Court mentioned above, the below inventory from the previous year was also included with permission from Timothy Edwards, J Probate:

Inventory of the Estate of Isaac Ball
January 14th 1784
Also included in papers related to Isaac Ball’s estate is an accounting of money owed to Isaac Bell when he died, which you can read below.
An Amount of Money Due to the Estate of Isaac Ball
Late of Stockbridge De’ed

Job Heart Your Admin
At a Court of Probate at Stockbridge within the County of Berkshire on the 4th Day of April AD 1786
The above Acct is received, examined & allowed
By Timothy Edwards J. Probate
Isaac Ball Debts Due
April 4th 1786
Berkshire SS
Next week we will look at a few more documents from the Isaac Ball Estate, including how some of his possessions were dispersed.
1. Isaac Ball was the grantee of at least three other land purchases. Most telling will be the estate settlement of 6-30-1788 with the heirs of Isaac and Jonathan Ball, Berkshire Middle Registry of Deeds, quit claim Book 25, Page 355.
2. Pewter